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May 2017

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List of notifications for this setting

 period      time    long.   lat.    SO2  instrument  SZA   link plot
2017/05/04   23:54   145.3   -4.6    8.6    GOME2b    40.8   region 311
2017/05/05   18:56   -88.5   15.2   18.4      AIRS    16.0   region 203
2017/05/12   02:45   158.4   57.6    4.8      AIRS    42.3   region 111
2017/05/14   13:42   -71.7  -15.9    3.3     IASIb    56.4   region 404
2017/05/16   10:39   162.8   56.6    4.6     IASIb    98.2   region 111
2017/05/17   08:36  -169.0   52.7    6.3     IASIb   100.2   region 112
2017/05/17   20:49  -168.4   45.1    4.1    GOME2b    38.2   region 112
2017/05/18   12:20  -148.5   53.4    6.3      AIRS   100.1   region 101
2017/05/19   11:21  -143.3   64.1    5.0      AIRS    93.2   region 101
2017/05/23   22:22   167.9  -15.7    2.8    GOME2b    50.6   region 412
2017/05/24   22:02   169.3  -16.3    2.9    GOME2b    53.6   region 412
2017/05/29   07:48  -164.9   55.4   19.4     IASIb    93.0   region 101
2017/05/29   19:56  -154.2   57.1    5.7     IASIb    43.3   region 101
2017/05/30   11:03  -143.7   63.1    9.4      AIRS    93.2   region 101
2017/05/31   02:10  -142.0   71.0    6.7     IASIb    63.1   region 101
2017/05/31   14:59  -134.2   73.5    9.3      AIRS    68.6   region 102

Note that SO2 measurements are in DU for UV-visible and thermal IR instruments (vertical column density)
and in K for IASI instrument for year 2013 and following (brightness temperature difference).


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