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Specification of the HDF data file format

Gridded data give the SO2 concentrations on a rectangular latitude-longitude grid of 0.25 by 0.25 degrees is written to HDF-4 files -- for daily data, for 3-day composites and for monthly averages.
See the main Data format specification page
for some general notes on the data formats.

Simply said, an HDF file has the following structure (note that the vertical column field or cloud cover fraction may not be available):

  • File header, with the file attributes
    these specify the product name, data, version, units, etc.
  • Data sets:
    • SO2 slant column field
    • Error in the slant column field
      from the slant column retrieval
    • SO2 vertical column field for different plume heights
    • Error in the vertical column fields
      from the slant column error
    • Cloud cover fraction

There are several tools around on the web for viewing and treating HDF files, notably at the NCSA HDF Home Page. Software for viewing and reading HDF files is available via this page, where you can find a binary distributions for several operating systems (UNIX, Linux, Windows).
The HDF file can also be read with many plot programs, such as IDL (example page) and MatLab, as well as with the BEAT toolbox.

Name of the HDF files

The name of the HDF files gives the data (range) of the dates covered by the data sets in the file:

so2cdYYYYMMDD.hdf file with data for a single day; the name contains the orbit date YYYYMMDD
so2cdYYYYMMDFDL.hdf file with data for a 3-day composite; the name contains the year, the month and the first (DF) and last (DL) day
here: DFDL = 0103, 0406, 0709, ...., 2527, for February followed by 2828 or 2829, for other months followed by 2830 and 3131 if the month has 31 days
so2cdYYYYMM.hdf file with data for a monthly average; the name contains the year and month


File header

The following table gives as an example the header of the HDF file of the daily slant column data of 21 March 2007.


Global Attribute Type Value
Product string SO2 slant column [DU]
Data_version string 1.0.3
Creation_date string 26 August 2007
Product_status string archive
SO2_field_date_1 integer 2007, 3, 21
SO2_field_date_2 integer 2007, 3, 21
Data_begin integer 2007, 3, 21, 1, 54, 50
Data_end integer 2007, 3, 22, 0, 29, 50
Date_format string year, month, day, hour, minute, second (UTC)
Instrument string SCIAMACHY (ENVISAT)
Cloud_fraction string Taken from FRESCO (made by KNMI)
Projects string SACS for TEMIS / PROMOTE
Authors string Jos van Geffen & Michel Van Roozendael
Affiliation string BIRA-IASB (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy)
E-mail string
Number_of_longitudes integer 1440
Longitude_range real -179.875, 179.875
Longitude_step real 0.25
Number_of_latitudes integer 720
Latitude_range real -89.875, 89.875
Latitude_step real 0.25
Iscd_field string SO2 slant column = Iscd_field/1000 [DU]
Iscd_error string Error on SO2 slant column = Iscd_error/1000 [DU]
Number_of_VCD_sets integer 3
Ivcd_field_# string SO2 vertical column (VCD) = Ivcd_field/1000 [DU]
Ivcd_error_# string Error on SO2 vert. column = Ivcd_error/1000 [DU]
Iccf_field string Cloud cover fraction = Iccf_field/1000 [-]
No_data string Entries with -99.0 represent "no data"
Product_code string sbfdaa

Data set


Rank --> dimensions
Iscd_field integer 2 --> 1440 x 720
Iscd_error integer 2 --> 1440 x 720
Ivcd_field_1 integer 2 --> 1440 x 720
Ivcd_error_1 integer 2 --> 1440 x 720
Ivcd_field_2 integer 2 --> 1440 x 720
Ivcd_error_2 integer 2 --> 1440 x 720
Ivcd_field_3 integer 2 --> 1440 x 720
Ivcd_error_3 integer 2 --> 1440 x 720
Iccf_field integer 2 --> 1440 x 720

Remarks regarding some of the attributes in the file header:

  • Product
    This attribute gives so to say the title of the product. In the example it says that the file has SO2 slant column data for one day.
    • For 3-day composites " -- 3-day composite" is added.
    • For monthly averages " -- monthly average" is added.
    • ... etc.
    If the file contains slant column as well as vertical column densities, the main title is "SO2 column densities [DU]".

  • Data_version
    The coding for this is described in the section on the Data and Services version history.

  • Product_status
    This can be "preliminary" or "archive".

  • SO2_field_date_1 & SO2_field_date_2
    These two attributes give the period for which the data applies in whole days (UTC). In the example above this is one day; for longer time periods they give the first and last day.

  • Data_begin & Data_end
    These two give the date and time of the very first and the very last measurement included in making the gridded data.
    Measurements of SCIAMACHY come in principle as one file per orbit. The data included is from all data files which have a start time in the given period. The last orbit of a given day can, of course, continue into the next day. In that case "Data_end" shows the beginning of the next day, as in the above example.

  • Cloud_fraction
    If no cloud cover fraction is included, the value of this attribute is "None included" and there is no 'ccf' data set.

  • Longitude & latitude ranges and steps
    These are given in degrees.
    See further down on how to (re)construct the longitude-latitude grid of the data sets.

  • Number_of_VCD_sets
    This is the number of different plume heights used to compute vertical column densities (VCDs) and thus gives the number of VCD data sets; which plume heights were used is connected to the version number of the data product.

  • Product_code
    This is for internal use, to ease post-processing.

  • Data sets
    The above example is for a file which contains the slant column density (SCD), three data sets for the vertical column densities (VCD) and the cloud cover fraction (CCF).
    The error values given in the HDF files for the SCD and VCD fields are an average over the error values given in the orbit data files; they include no "standard deviation" of the averaging itself.


The data sets in the HDF file are given in the form of a two-dimensional array with each grid cell having a specific longitude-latitude grid. This grid can be (re)constructed using the information given in the header of the HDF file:
Note that the coordinates of the grid refer to the centre of the grid cells, as indicated by the filled circles in the graph on the right.
Example IDL plot

An example Fortran code for this can be found in the so2hdfgrid.f program. It generates the grid and gives a few lines of output as example:

 ilon ilat   gridlon   gridlat
    1    1  -179.8750  -89.8750
 1440  720   179.8750   89.8750
   38  562  -170.6250   50.3750
  722  362     0.3750    0.3750
 1222   62   125.3750  -74.6250
The fourth in this list is the centre of the coloured grid cell in the image.
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