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Ongoing projects related to SACS

ALARM project ambitions is to develop a prototype multi-hazard alert system capable of integrating different data sources (satellites and ground-based instrumentation) and models (e.g., available weather forecasts), to develop early warning & nowcasting/forecasting solutions of the following phenomena (representing a threat to aviation or having an environmental impact):
1) aerosol particle and gas dispersion resulting from natural hazards (e.g. volcanic ash and SO2, dust from sandstorms)
2) severe weather hazards (deep convection and extreme weather)
3) space weather (situational risk and alert)
4) environmental hotspots (via climate change functions).
Financier: European Commission's Horizon 2020 research programme (EC H2020 - SESAR)

ALARM home page

The Atmospheric Composition Satellite Application Facility (AC SAF) of EUMETSAT produces near real-time data products from GOME-2 and IASI instruments, including total ozone, trace gas total columns (NO2, SO2), tropospheric NO2, coarse and high-resolution ozone profiles, absorbing aerosol index (AAI) and solar noon UV index. AC SAF provides GOME-2 SO2 and AAI operational products to SACS.
Financier: EUMETSAT

AC SAF Home Page

Past projects related to SACS

The main goal of the Engage KTN OPAS project (Operational alert Products for ATM via SWIM) is to contribute with a new product to an existing early warning system, so called SACS (Support to Aviation Control System). The new alert product targeted by OPAS project is the plume height of sulphur dioxide (SO2) emitted during a volcanic eruption. SO2 is a proxy for the volcanic ash height (which is notoriously difficult to measure). The instrument used to measure the SO2 is TROPOMI on board Sentinel-5 Precursor.
Financier: Engage KTN - SESAR JU
Final Technical Report OPAS Engage - KTN

Engage KTN summaries
From October 2016, the development of the SACS system is part of the 3-years H2020 EUNADICS-AV project. The near-real-time monitoring and detection capability of EUNADICS-AV will be improved with new datasets and expanded to other airborne hazards than volcanic eruptions. EUNADICS-AV Project is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research programme for Societal challenges - smart, green and integrated transport under grant agreement no. 723986.
Financier: European Commission's Horizon 2020 research programme (EC H2020)

SACS was continued as a project on its own after PROMOTE and TEMIS (2009-2014).
Financier: European Space Agency (ESA)
SACS Home Page
Activities of SACS was closely related to the VAST project (2011-2015).

The project VAST (Volcanic Ash Strategic-initiative Team) aims to demonstrate the suitability of Earth Observation (EO) data for the monitoring and the forecasting of the volcanic plume of ash, and to improve on the existing monitoring and forecasting services for ash transport and its interaction with aviation.
Financier: European Space Agency (ESA)

VAST home page
SACS activies was linked to the SMASH project (2012-2014).

SMASH (Study on an end-to-end system for volcanic ash plume monitoring and prediction) is funded by the ESA General Studies Programme and has main objectives to develop and validate new algorithms that implement polar orbiting satellite remote sensing data for volcanic source term characterisation, and for the quantitative retrieval of volcanic ash and SO2 plumes. Moreover, the project will define an optimal end-to-end system for volcanic ash monitoring and prediction for Europe, based on the existing remote sensing infrastructure.
Financier: European Space Agency (ESA)

SMASH Home Page
SACS activies was linked to the MACC (II/III) project 2014-2015.
Financier: European Commission (EC)
MACC Home Page
SACS activies was linked to the EVOSS project (2010-2013).

The overall goal of EVOSS is to develop and demonstrate a pre-operational portfolio of GMES-Copernicus Downstream Services, based on Earth Observation data and products, to monitor volcanic hazards at a global scale.
Financier: European Commission (EC)

EVOSS Home Page
SACS has become operational as one of the Services of Stage II of the PROMOTE project (2006-2009).
Financier: European Space Agency (ESA)
Parts of SACS were initiated under the TEMIS project (2002-2009).
Financier: European Space Agency (ESA)
TEMIS Home Page
Activities of SACS was closely related to the SAVAA project (2008-2012).

SAVAA will set up a demonstration system that will be able to ingest satellite data and meteorological wind fields, compute the injection height profile of volcanic emissions to produce a range of analysis fields of volcanic cloud.
Financier: European Space Agency (ESA)

SAVAA home page
Part of the SO2 data from SACS and dedicated maps are delivered to the GlobVolcano project (2007-2010)

GlobVolcano Project aims at demonstrating EO based integrated services to support the Volcanological Observatories and other mandate users in their monitoring activities. EO based information services will be related to the responsibility areas of user organisations and particular emphasis will be addressed to prevention and early warning.

GlobVolcano home page
Part of the SO2 data from SACS is going to used for validation tasks within the NOVAC project (2005-2010).

The main objective of NOVAC is to establish a network for measurements of the emissions of gases -- in particular SO2 and BrO -- and aerosols by volcanoes, and to use the data from this network for risk assessment and volcanological research, both locally and on a regional and global scale.

NOVAC Home Page
Part of the SO2 data from SACS is used for validation tasks in the AMFIC project (2007-2009).

AMFIC addresses atmospheric environmental monitoring over China. The aim is to develop an integrated information system for monitoring and forecasting tropospheric pollutants over China, using satellite and in situ air quality measurements and modelling.

AMFIC home page
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