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Documentation and product information

Links to material for the general public, to presentations at conferences, and to the product information of the Support to Aviation Control Service.

For information on the data products and the presentation on the website, follow the product info link.

Note that some material may be partly outdated, as details of the Service have evolved over the years, with projects ending and other projects starting.


Conference material

  • Oral presentation "A multi-sensor alert system for volcanic emissions using satellite SO2 and ash measurements" at the EUMETSAT Conference, 05-09 Sept. 2011, Oslo (Norway)

  • Oral presentation "A multi-sensor alert system for volcanic emissions using satellite SO2 and ash measurements" at the EGU Assembly, 03-08 April 2011, Vienna (Austria)

  • Oral presentation "An alert system for volcanic emissions using satellite measurements" at the EUMETSAT Conference, 20-24 Sept. 2010, Córdoba (Spain)

  • Oral presentation "An alert system for volcanic SO2 emissions using satellite measurements" at the EUMETSAT Conference, 21-25 Sept. 2009, Bath (England)

  • Oral presentation "Monitoring of volcanic SO2 and ash emissions from satellite" at the EUMETSAT Conference, 8-12 Sept. 2008, Darmstadt (Germany)

  • Oral presentation "Monitoring of volcanic activity from satellite as part of GSE PROMOTE" at the ESA ENVISAT symposium, 23-27 April 2007, Montreux (Switzerland)

  • Poster "Monitoring of sulphur dioxide emissions from satellite as part of GSE PROMOTE" at the Atmospheric Science Conference, 8-12 May 2006, ESRIN, Frascati (Italy)

General publications

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